Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Big Day

I check in at 11. They’ll put a catheter in my chest and I’ll definitely take a picture. Then they’ll pump me up with chemicals and we sit around waiting for me to throw up or something interesting. Over the next three days my immune system goes down the shitter and then they sit around waiting for me to get sick which happens to everyone. I’m not supposed to be scared when I need blood transfusions. Blah, blah, blah. I have a piece of paper now that tells me my chemo schedule and I find it mostly heartening. This crappy induction part only lasts 4 weeks. Then 4 weeks of spinal chemo (that is what it sounds like—chemo through a spinal tap) with only a few days of being in the hospital. Then on to out patient (huzzah!) chemo…

Dr. K told me the thing that’s going to suck most is being bored and that it shouldn’t actually be that awful. So anyway, look forward to a LOT of postings…


emily miller said...

posting! looking forward to reading,jessie. stay strong!

Enny said...

Good luck - I hope it's not TOO boring :o)

Anonymous said...

jLo, good luck today! thinking of you from portland
-jody and eli