Inertia is the property of matter by which it retains its state of rest or its velocity along a straight line so long as it is not acted upon by an external force. It’s that external force that’s such a bitch.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
For Kathryn
My digital camera is out of batteries, but luckily I remembered that I have the super high quality "Photobooth" on my new Mac.
Mr. Clean: Wigged:
oh man! i am so pissed! number one because i did not get to go wig-shopping with you, and the one time i tried at the heritage mall in albany they wouldn't let me try on any wigs because they said they were for "paying customers only". number two because literally almost two months ago i ordered you this awesome present that still has not arrived and i am in an email battle with a crazy pregnant lady who runs her own online business that she thinks is so f-ing cute. well it's not so cute when i call the business authorities on you lady! whoever they might be, i will call them . . .
I started this blog in 2006 because I wanted to write more and I wanted people to pay attention to me. In 2008, I was diagnosed with Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia and I got a lot of attention. So much attention that it seemed most prudent to blog about it. In its peak, Inertia had hundreds of followers and I'm still a little flabbergasted (and grateful) that I had so many "fans" cheering me on while I struggled through 2 years of treatment. Since achieving remission in January 2010, I've managed to create a pretty awesome post-cancer life and I am grateful every single day for all the gifts I've been given. While I no longer feel the need to seek out attention (thank you, Cancer) I do remember how much I liked reading other cancer blogs when I was going through treatment. I'm leaving up Inertia: The Cancer Years for general consumption. I really hope my story/experiences are of use to you.
oh man! i am so pissed! number one because i did not get to go wig-shopping with you, and the one time i tried at the heritage mall in albany they wouldn't let me try on any wigs because they said they were for "paying customers only". number two because literally almost two months ago i ordered you this awesome present that still has not arrived and i am in an email battle with a crazy pregnant lady who runs her own online business that she thinks is so f-ing cute. well it's not so cute when i call the business authorities on you lady! whoever they might be, i will call them . . .
is that a straight hair wig?! awesome!
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