Monday, August 11, 2008

Gosh darn it

Would you believe that there’s a “Blogging for Blood Cancer” week and that this is it? Well, believe it, baby! Since I love blogging and in particular, blogging about blood cancer, I thought I would try to blog every day this week!

And how appropriate too. Because instead of feeling all healthy-like I am feeling pretty cancer-y today. My chemo from Thursday night is starting to take effect: my mouth hurts, I’m tired, my body is SORE from yesterday’s yoga class… Oh, cell death!

But before everything started to suck, I had a nice weekend. On Saturday I went to a community garden work project (yay community! yay gardens!) where there were goats! I love goats! And then my mom and I went to Nordstrom and bought new clothes. When I got home I forced myself to purge my t shirt drawer down to the scant few items I actually wear. Yesterday I went to yoga, had lunch at Geraldine’s (cornbeef sandwich, fries, diet coke, coffee) and then writhed in pain all afternoon because hello! my GI track is dying too! Buy I rallied for dinner at the Lemongrass with the Christinas and my mom. God, I love food. However, I think it’s back to wheat thins and bananas for the next few weeks while I wait for my stomach lining to come back…


B. said...

yay for 1/2 inch hair, blogging about blood cancers, an entry from you everyday this week, and new clothes!

seriously, i believe only a few beautiful women out there can look 'vibrant' with the 1/2 inch hair, or bald for that matter.

and, two or them are me and you kid ;)

I'm so sorry that your stomach isn't feeling too hott, from chemo on Thursday.

I have the entire east coast cheering you on, through this treatment. Sending positive vibes your way.

And yes, I know the entire east coast, personally. don't doubt me.


Goodies for Mom said...

Thank you for helping promote this exciting event. We'll be sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Anonymous said...

Wheat thins and bananas? Sign me up.

Duane said...

Hey Jessie,

I forgot to let you know that I won't be making it to Seattle as I had hoped, but when I eventually do I'll be sure to let you know.

It's great that you're "blogging for blood cancer" too!

Talk soon!!!