Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The Gays: Something to be Proud of

Bad picture of hot Lesbian Firefighters

Gay Churches
Gay Seattle Utilities!


Anonymous said...

I guess I just don't understand what makes a lesbian hot.

I mean... the driver of that fire truck looks like Nick Nolte with a Soul-Glo wig.

Kevin said...

Huh...this wasn't what i expected when I did my daily google for "sexy lesbian firefighters." But it's awesome to see the SFD representing. Hang in there with the chemo and 'roids, jessie!

Jessie O said...

I love Nick Nolte!

I said it was a bad picture. You have to trust me that the blond with her head turned was really hot.

Unknown said...

i hope we are this hot. i am pretty sure we are.