Monday, September 19, 2011


On June 30th Bobby and I left work early and went to City Hall in San Francisco... where we got married. We are still planning a wedding, but there are some things that need to happen first... like me getting a permanent job and us buying a house. Obviously, lots of transition right now.

Mostly I feel lucky lucky lucky every day. I have my health, I have my family, I have my friends, and I have a wonderful, wonderful husband. I also have a master's degree which is cool even if it doesn't make into the top 4...

I've decided it doesn't really make sense to keep up with this blog. In the next few weeks I might scale things back and just keep my cancer treatment entries up so that other survivors and their family/friends can still access my experiences with this particular disease and treatment regimen.

In this next stage of life when I'm applying to jobs and people can easily Google me, I'll probably want to blog hilarious, irreverent social commentary anonymously. Hope to see you around the blogosphere!